
Customer Support & Grievance Redressal

Purpose & Objective

ARTH values the experience of the customers and strives to ensure that customers are always presented with excellent services. In addition to the experience of the customer, ARTH also understands the value of the public approaching us for products and services being offered, hence such prospects are also considered to be our customers.

The Customer Support & Grievance Redressal Policy (CSGR) has been established to outline the uniform standards and operating procedures followed for appropriate experience of the customers and prospect public. Policy aims to address the Queries, Requests, or Complaints (QRC) by

  • acknowledge the QRC and feedback received
  • maintaining the records of the interactions
  • providing resolution to the complaints or grievances
  • ensuring in TAT close looping with the customers
  • analyze and review the QRC at suitable intervals
  • proposing the amendments as and when required for improving the CSGR mechanism

Customer Support

Customers with any query, request, complaint, or feedback may reach out to Customer Support Desk through

Customers are requested to quote the information below while reaching out to Customer Support Desk for identification and helping us in providing the necessary resolution within the agreed timelines.

  • Loan ID / Loan Account Number / Bureau ID
  • Registered Mobile Number
  • Comprehensible details of query, request, complaint, or feedback


The Customer Support Desk shall acknowledge the customers within 7 working days followed by the resolution within 10 working days.

Customer Support Desk shall be functional throughout the year except the National Holidays (or any other Non-functional days declared by Government or Government Regulated Bodies) and alternate non-banking Saturdays according to below timelines.

  • Monday to Saturday
  • 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM

Grievance Redressal

The Grievance Officer at ARTH has been assigned with the responsibilities to provide the resolution to the customers, analyze the feedback received & implementation of measures to improve the support offered by Customer Support Desk.

Customers are requested to reach out to Grievance Officer on following occasions:

  • Queries, requests, or complaints not acknowledged or resolved by Customer Support Desk within the assigned timelines.
  • Unsatisfactory response to the queries, requests, or complaints
  • Feedback which may help in improving the Services, Products or Support offered by ARTH.

Grievance Officer can be reached out through

Grievance Officer can be contacted throughout the year except the National Holidays (or any other Non-functional days declared by Government or Government Regulated Bodies) and alternate non-banking Saturdays from Monday to Saturday between 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM.

Customers may expect the acknowledgement to the voice raised to Grievance Officer within 3 working days followed with resolution in 7 working days.

Customers are requested to make available the following information while contacting the Grievance Officer.

  • Loan ID / Loan Account Number / Bureau ID
  • Registered Mobile Number
  • Comprehensible details of query, request, complaint, or feedback

Customers may also reach out to Grievance Officer for complaints pertaining to inappropriate behavior from any person engaged with ARTH directly or indirectly or associated partners.


Customers not satisfied with Customer Support & Redressal of the Grievance may lodge a complaint to Nodal Officer of the company at the mentioned details.


All queries, requests and complaints shall be handled and resolved with utmost priority.

Customers can reach out to Nodal Officer on following occasions:

  • Queries, requests, or complaints not acknowledged or resolved by Customer Support Desk or Grievance Redressal Officer within the assigned timelines.
  • Unsatisfactory response to the queries, requests, or complaints
  • Feedback which may help the company to improve the products and services.

Customers may expect the acknowledgement to the voice raised to Nodal Officer within 3 working days followed with resolution in 7 working days.

Customers are requested to make available the following information while contacting the Nodal Officer.

  • Loan ID / Loan Account Number / Bureau ID
  • Registered Mobile Number
  • Comprehensible details of query, request, complaint, or feedback

Customers not satisfied with the redressal may lodge a complaint to Reserve Bank of India through a centralized complaint management system under the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021. Customer’s can reach to lodge the complaint via online Portal at https://cms.rbi.org.in  or email at crpc@rbi.org.in.

Customer may also approach by post at : Chief General Manager, Centralized Receipt and Processing Centre (CRPC), Reserve Bank of India, 4th Floor, Sector 17, Chandigarh, 160017


Customers are advised to provide the following information when lodging a complaint:

  • Details of the complaint
  • Customer’s name and contact information
  • Copies of any relevant documents
  • Details of previous complaints (if applicable)

Providing all necessary information and documents is essential to ensure that your complaint is effectively resolved.


    • Customers reaching out to ARTH beyond or before the aforesaid functional timelines of Customer Support Desk or Grievance Officer may expect delay in response, however our representatives will always attempt to reach you back.
    • Customers may be asked to provide the details pertaining to their records in our system for verification purposes.
    • Customers unable to share the aforesaid details required for successful identification of the customer or the details of the services availed by the customer may see delay in resolution to their queries, requests, or complaints.
    • On several instances, resolution to the queries, requests, complaints, or grievances may require follow-up, referrals internally or externally or from the customers, hence in such scenarios resolution to the grievance may take more time than aforesaid TAT.
    • Customer reaching to Customer Support Desk or Grievance Officer approves & authorize our representatives to connect with the customers through Email, Whatsapp, SMS or through voice calls during aforesaid functional hours even if the contact number(s) available with us are registered in DND or DNC or NDNC register.
    • Customers authorize ARTH to keep the record of the conversations or details provided while interacting with our representatives, however respective data shall always be confidential, for more details please refer to our Privacy Policy
    • ARTH Customer Support and Employees of ARTH does not provide assistance through Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, hence customers are hereby requested not to engage with any individual or group of individuals, for support or services please reach out to us through aforesaid channels. ARTH might send notifications to the customers with important information through SMS or Whatsapp as and when necessary.
    • Customer can visit official website for Products and Services offered by ARTH, for enquires pertaining to Careers or Partnerships please reach out to us through Contact Us with relevant details, our representatives will get back to you.