
To A Lifetime Of Learnings and Growth


I have had the opportunity to work at Arth for almost 3 years now, nearly since inception. But somehow, the time has passed very quickly, as I have celebrated and enjoyed every minute of it. Looking back at my experience at Arth is very satisfying.


I have been in Sales & Business Development for over 8 years. I have spoken to thousands of people and acquired customers across 3 different states. For the last 3 years I have been learning every day, from being a Cluster officer to an Operations Manager at Arth. This is a journey that has made me a better person through the years. I’ve been fortunate working with the right company and more importantly, the right people.


While many employees do not commit to a long stint at an organization, this is what I strive for, and Arth has been able to provide me with a great experience in this regard. I would also want my colleagues to have a similar experience, working alongside leaders at Arth, who lead from the front and provide the right guidance and direction.  


I have faced a lot of challenges working in the field, but I’m still here and there’s a reason for that. I believe in the company’s mission and the vision of my seniors. I still remember when we used manual customer application forms for customer onboarding, but now we have moved on to customer onboarding digitally on mobile phones, and that too in just 5 minutes. 


If I can help in replicating my own employment experience for my peers and colleagues, then I know that I’m doing my job right.


There are also a few lessons I’ve learned along the way which I try to practice myself. Treat others as you wish to be treated, always look at long-term goals, listen carefully, and consider everything as an opportunity. Also, value your product or service and respect your peers, colleagues and most importantly, your customers. 


Arth has fostered all the traits above and that’s why I’m still going strong after 3 years. There are not many people who have experienced a journey from being an Officer to Manager, with back-to-back promotions every year, and it is indeed a matter of pride for me!


I am grateful and thankful for certain events like the USAID visit at our Madiyaon cluster where I was entrusted with the responsibility to welcome dignitaries and organise an elaborate event. I also feel deeply thankful to my senior colleagues for calling me to wish me personally on becoming a father, or for turning up at events to support me. These make me become more attentive and responsible at my workplace.


Hopefully I should be able to contribute more towards the organization in the coming years and do justice to the faith that has been put by my seniors in me.  
I am also deeply grateful to my seniors within the organization, for being the best mentors that I’ve ever had, by providing me the right guidance both professionally as well as personally, and for having faith in me through the years.


Here’s looking forward to the next 5 at Arth! Always think positive and be positive. Let us grow together.

